Irish dancing is said to have originated from Pagan times in the 7th and 8th century, where the Druids would use circular dance to convey emotion.
Over centuries, Irish dancing has evolved into a solo and group dance form that has spread joy across the world. Organisations such as The Irish Dancing Commission (www.clrg.ie) aim to preserve the heritage and tradition of Irish dancing, music, and the Irish language.
Popular throughout Ireland, Irish dancing became a worldwide phenomenon when Riverdance was first performed in Dublin at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1994.
Today thousands regularly attend Irish Dance classes - both solo dancing and teams (traditional ceili dancing).


The Tara Brooch is a Celtic brooch of the pseudo-penannular type, made in 710 to 750 AD. It was found in Ireland in 1850, but, despite its name, not at the Hill of Tara, but likely near Bettystown on the coast of County Meath.
Made of silver, gold, glass, enamel, and amber, the National Museum of Ireland describes it as follows: "...[T]he Tara Brooch can be considered to represent the pinnacle of early medieval Irish metalworkers’ achievement. Each individual element of decoration is executed perfectly and the range of technique represented on such a small object is astounding."
Tara Academy is named after this beautiful brooch which is often found to be worn on the costumes of Irish dancers.
*Image from the National Museum of Ireland