Look the Part
Black Shirt or Leotard/Tara Academy Shirt
Black Skirt/Shorts
Poodle Socks (girls)
Black Socks (boys)
Black ballet pumps or;
Soft Shoes - Antonio Pacelli 'Loop' Soft Shoe (available via Ditto Dancewear).
*Bare feet is fine for brand new students
Black Leotard/Shirt/Singlet or Tara Academy Shirt
Black Skirt/Shorts/Tights
Poodle Socks (available in class)
Soft Shoes - Hullachan Pro 4 (available via Ditto Dancewear)
Hard Shoes - Fays Ultra-Flexi Black Suede Sole - Hi-Tech Heel (available via Ditto Dancewear)
Comfortable active wear and sneakers
*Please bring a water bottle to every class.

Shine on stage
Tara Tots
Black leotard (capped sleeve preferred but not essential), black tutu with gold sparkles. These can be bought second hand in class where available, or from Danceworld Darwin.
Tara Academy School costume when provided/available. If you have not yet has a costume made, please wear a black leotard (capped sleeve preferred but not essential), black circle skirt and the black sparkle bow provided to you ($5).
Green Frogs/Celtic Kids/Jingili Jiggers/Galway Girls
Tara Academy School Costume, black bow.
Galway Girls - cuffs please.
Women - Tara shirt/singlet with black 3/4 exercise pants.
Men - Plain black shirt and black trousers.
Shoes - Bloch sneakers or plain black runners.
All dancers (except for Galway Girls who wear black tights) to wear short poodle socks with their dance shoes. Please make sure they are white.
All dancers (except for Tara Tots and Grasshoppers) may wear makeup. Foundation is optional, brown eyeshadow, mascara, little bit of blush and red lipstick.
Please do hair in a low side bun on the left shoulder with a side parting on the right. The bow sits on top of the bun. For children with shoulder length or very curly hair, please feel free to do a side parting with the rest of the hair down, make sure hair is off the face.
Galway Girls to have a middle parting with two plaits either side of the head, going into a low centre bun at the back. Black bow to sit on top. Use hairspray to keep hair in place.
White collared short sleeve top tucked into black knee length shorts or black trousers. Regular black socks with black Irish dance shoes/dance pomps from Kmart or Big W. Tara waistcoat and bowtie provided by us.
***Second hand items may be available for sale. Please contact Nora on 0419 469 460 to be added to the WhatsApp group***
Please hand wash and return costumes to us for safe keeping.